We advocate for quality educations and bright futures for
Nashville’s students with disabilities.
Youth who stay in school are less likely to encounter both the juvenile court system and the adult criminal legal system later.
- National data shows that students with educational disabilities are more likely to be suspended from school than their nondisabled peers. Black students with disabilities are even more likely to experience exclusionary discipline than other students with disabilities.
- Youth are more likely to be arrested on days they are suspended from school.
- Positive connections with school staff and peers improve students’ relationships and lowers discipline incidents.
The Education Rights Project works to improve your student’s connection to their school and decrease the school’s use of exclusionary discipline through the tools available under federal, state, and local law.
Staying in school is linked to improved lifelong outcomes.
- Every day of school is important. When students are suspended, they miss valuable classroom instruction needed to make progress. Academic improvement is associated with better behavior outcomes and increased educational success in students.
- School connection is a significant protective factor for students’ emotional well-being and postsecondary success.
- Youth who graduate from high school have higher employment rates and higher salaries than peers who do not graduate.